this is work in progress or homilies or miscellaneous items
that don’t warrant a page by themselves
or seem to fit better here
pending poems index
chronological order is from the bottom to the top of the page
audio files can be complemented by listening to them with the eyes closed
"wisdom literature"
is two words
be careful of both
ideas only ever translate imperfectly
into reality
making concrete
what is abstract
a mistake
“ as a person’s weight goes up, all regions of the brain go down in activity and blood flow ”
“ acceptance that alzheimer’s disease is a lifestyle disease, little different from other
age-related diseases, that is, the sum of a lifetime
dr. amen and collaborators provide compelling evidence that obesity
reduces blood supply to the brain to shrink the brain and promote alzheimer’s disease ”
the discovery and opening up of
tutankhamun’s tomb and sarcophagus
very informative and brings the whole discovery and cultural impact to life
the tomb is a long lost cultural system reified
the drift into the end of time
slow, painful
religion is the reification of rather toxic ideas
something humans are very good at
complain at your peril
from history the grand names roll
marvellous empires, bloody wars
architectural wonders
times of fertility and decimation
they are all creations of you
what does that mean ?
zen is so difficult it requires full intellectual faculties all your life, if you damage your brain with substances then you are out of the game
the irony now is that "zen" has become life wallpaper for people with substance abuse problems, its perceived "nihilism" justifying their abuse
the question about any drug is do they do permanent brain damage and people seem to vary hugely in this, even one dose of
LSD can really damage some, others not so much
just asking that question can get you banned from certain portions of the web
the net is full of mental health problems and drug abuse, its easy just to write self-justifying bullshit, with what your life actually is tucked away unchanged
religion is fiction
its basically the error of taking a literary work and making it too real
the stasis
of the fading blossom
in a vase
“ "do not lie" is a very interesting precept
i always thought about myself being honest, but i’ve discovered that i lie to myself
and that couldn’t be more damaging
for instance say that somebody says something that upsets me, well then without be conscious about it i built up mental lies to cover up that unpleasant sensation instead of facing it
it comes as a surprise that i was not as honest as i always thought about myself ”
my reply
to my mind, that’s the real zen, you have to go against the grain of yourself
without doing that you are worst than wasting your time, sadly, so few do it, well of course its hard to do
the weird thing about drug use is its not all negative
it creates a certain sophistication about handling reality and manipulation and deceit and appearances
i can handle people fucking their brains up with drugs, that’s their problem, but its the way they can fuck your life over with "the skills' that makes me cry
even people who have "kicked" their use are still a nightmare,
ex-alcoholics too
when these people hit fifty you get a lot of
"late-onset" schizophrenia and impaired cognition, women
ex-alcoholics get especially hit when the hormones drop off
its not realized how much of this "late onset schizophrenia" is around, you can waste your brains when you are young and get away somewhat with it, but post
50, you are a burden, why the hell should i support you ?
i've seen it, limited use of lsd and mdma (ecstacy) can have a permanent very deleterious effect in some, its like the trenches in
WW1 now, so many walking wounded with a very bad attitude
"do not lie"
lying is totally appropriate in some circumstances
actually black and white "lying" is part of something very multidimensional
"gaslighting" "bending the truth " inadvertent lying and telling the truth, circuitous truth, white lies, lying by omission, unnecessary lying and being caught out
as i have got older it has become more apparent how important it is to be able to trust someone and there’s a lot of interplay between not quite telling the truth and being fully truthful in that
how does "fiction" relate to lying ?
i notice you do that a lot with the way you are try to build "bradbuddhism", a supposedly "sophisticated" version of "westernized buddhism" with the fiction or lie about nishijima and kobun being "pupils" of sawaki which they never were, and making sawaki some sort of "root guru" to get around the problem of most zen masters talking arrant nonsense whereas he makes sense somewhat and also doesn’t appear to be too tainted by the issue of "war criminality" in japanese zen lineages
you are also lying to yourself about the validity of "bradbuddhism", what was the attraction of "hardcore zen", it was the
"self-honesty" and now you are just wallowing in the bullshit of others
this would be the central problem with "lying", is the way it distorts your world in a
non-productive way, you can’t tell a lie without half believing it yourself
the net makes lying and living in various delusions very easy, i do think it has altered social standards the wrong way, net zen is a stinking sewer of lying by omission, avoidance,
self-dishonesty and false declaiming, disgusting !
one day you’ll never think straight
for no change
one day you’ll think straight
for a change
the energy
going to support appearances
reputation mainly
and substance is ignored
or plagiarized
three or four nights in a row of a bright full moon
even the insomniac magpies get tired
that, with a frost
makes everything quiet
the endless noise of people
why bother with them ?
the endless noise of people
why bother with it ?
the endless noise of people
why bother ?
the windswept cliffs of infinity
call us to step off
well, we have to wait
trapped in fixed ideas
the idiots blarney back and forth
thinking it beautiful
not seeing their own ugliness
for what purpose
i cannot guess
the self-important
with their inane opinions
like they matter
well you have to be careful
correctness doesn’t mind which cloak it wears
the wooden horse was a siege engine
troy was a luwian city
odysseus was of the "sea people'
troy was real, but different
there was a lot of history going on
they can imitate the style
but alas, lacking the brain power to drive it
they founder
the wealth of history
beggars fantasy
there’s a very rough edge
to everything going on
all the time
dreams of benignness don’t work out
they are after all
a dream
sex is a
rabbit-hole, just like religion
people disappear down both never to return
the zen patriarchs were celibate for a reason
they don’t trip
but walk over the ground
under it
sex is a
rabbit-hole, just like religion
people disappear down both never to return
the zen patriarchs were celibate for a reason
just because i look the part
and talk the part
doesn’t mean i am the part
that takes judgment
the rabbit hole of buddhism
caught brad warner
and how !
this idea
of working something out
and expressing it simply
is too much for people
a man not without his share of tragedy
visited it on others
one thousand-fold
a man not without his share of tragedy
visited it on others
on being a writer
one day you wake up
and realise you are competent
the crowds don’t want to applaud you
they want to kill you
for showing them up
african moon
well you do to be removed
from the savagery
rather than work through ideas
people take sides
championing one idea or another
how foolish
spots make a leopard
but they don’t make a cheetah
what makes a cheetah ?
running !
the moon corona has too small a pupil
which is just as well
an unblinking eye
would be too much
i had an idea
it quickly cascaded into a mess
all i could think was
why did i do that ?
i knew
i had an idea
i had an idea
it cascaded into a mess
all i could think was
why did i do that ?
i knew
i had an idea
"thou shalt not steal "
youth steals from age
age steals from youth
children steal from parents
women steal from men
men steal from women
the rich steal from the poor
the poor steal from the rich
i’m afraid its
"thou shalt steal"
the stasis
of fading blossom
in a vase
the stasis
of fading blossom in a vase
the stasis of fading blossom
in a vase
"you write a lot"
well its not like the universe is short of words is it ?
"meaning" in paragraphs however is a different case
people are not very interesting
why is that ?
the same mold striking over and over
again and again
the mold is called "survival of the species"
they never go "out of bounds" in their thinking
a good poem is like a rubik’s cube
you have to shuffle the meanings to the get the process of resolving the sense
readers do not necessarily view this process positively
we exist
there’s not much more to be said
because more
can’t be said
we exist
there’s not much more to be said
because much more
can’t be said
equations unsolved
sums not added
over a lifetime
to be addressed
i’m used to thinking of "impossible" at the end of a continuity of probability, but on looking closer there’s lots of things that are actually "impossible" and not just "improbable" because of inherent factors actively preventing the outcome, that is, not even remotely possible, rather a discrete event of impossibility
like telstra getting back to me about my
$2 sim card that the activation got messed on
the problem young men have with their early employment is they are very far from having an adequate skillset in anything
by the time you get an adequate skillset which takes decades then you are running into the decrements of aging
life’s not fair, but the screwed up education system that requires you to unlearn over later decades the rubbish you are pumped full of is malice, but hard to say by whom
if you don’t report what is there, when its there, as its there
then you don’t report what is there, when its there, as its there
to revolve through so many lives
the mind rebels
while still revolving
if you have too clear a sense of history
you’d never do anything
its cycles and ups and down
cast a patina of pointlessness
if you have too clear a sense of history
you’d never do anything
its cycles and ups and down
cast a patina of hopelessness
if you have too clear a sense of history
you’ll never do anything
a full moon
what are the magpies asking
and why ?
pull the curtain moon
a full moon
what are the magpies saying
and why ?
celebrity gossip
nothing happens
icarus fell
and was resurrected
you go away
no-one knows where
you come back
no-one knows where you’ve been
where am i ?
where am i ?
panpsychism is a bad mash of theology and yet more added nonsense, why does
no-one know about the main research paradigm, ie the "broadcast" /global workspace theory of conciousness ?
i really like this
painting by "el sexto"
pupil of
what is separate
is separate and the influence
one on the other
is limited
the version of what a samurai is as portrayed by the "ghost of tsushima" is is actually a modernist/propagandist product of meiji era and nationalist-imperialist japan, you know "the sword that kills gives life" as a justification for all sorts of atrocities
what "samurais" were in the various historical epochs is informative, what they were changes and has everything to do with japan’s bloody transition from a feudal to "modern" society
we’re a species that talks and expects everyone
else to do everything
and in some pathetic cases
even do the talking
all of christian art
trying to write
some truth
the inconsistency of the "do not kill" precept in buddhism is that it would make no sense to intelligent highly conscious species like lions, elephants, hyenas, wild dogs and killer whales
in other words its not a "spiritual" truth but social more, necessary for a functioning society and even then it has a context as in war there is permission to kill the enemy without any punitive consequence, at least from your own side
an interesting boundary condition of that "more" are the committing of "war crimes" by allied troops in afghanistan and iraq
"do not kill"
tell that to the lions !
just lie in bed thinking
that’s what descartes did
all things are a manifestation of the buddha dharma
all things manifest the truth of the absolute
“ what is the truth of the absolute ? ”
what all things manifest
boys play at war
girls play with dolls
and so the farce continues
what is it to feel sorry for yourself ?
a private grief
a mourning of something
a problem of existance ?
media life appears to be one long "humblebrag" these days, more insincere and hypocritical apologies than you can throw a stick at
for a moment
the intense orange
on the sunset skyline
everything else
who expect to be spoon fed
won’t move an inch outside themselves
will crash
shares, gold, crypto
people chasing "stores of value"
let’s hope they don’t evaporate
all the below down to the homily ending in "text" was written in an hour after being woken early this morning by a magpie, don’t ask me where it comes from because i don’t know
worse than "normal"
and more dangerous
are the "wannabe normal"
unduly persistent
worse than normal
and more dangerous
are the wannabe normal
unduly persistent
mystical experiences are always strange
the "normal" can pick it
and try to kill you
when they sense it
you unwrap
their puny world
the frauds !
you can infer something
but real knowledge
requires experience
you can infer something
but real knowledge
when idiots are better paid than you
its time to leave
we all have more profound being
we cannot see
it is more objective
than us
the extent to which we are configured
to perceive health and health problems
in others
is unbelievable
beware the obese and heavily tattooed
you are stigmatised by evolution
the extent to which we are configured
to perceive health
in others
is unbelievable
the extent
to which we are configured
to perceive health
in others
is unbelievable
the extent
to which we are configured
to perceive health
in others
a different mode
of being
fictionalized universes
are fiction
don’t forget that
fictionalized universes
are fiction
a day planned
writing destroyed it
a day planned
writing alcoholics
bukowski, pessoa
they needed to write
to keep themselves on deck
too tired to read
too tired to write
too tired to sleep
the wrong kind of "tired"
too tired to read
too tired to write
not too tired to sleep
the right kind of "tired"
too tired to read
too tired to write
too tired to sleep
is that really so ?
or are you just fictionalizing something
as usual ?
if you can't sleep
at least rest
the door closed
don’t dream
it happened
the power of text
is it remains
we don’t
the power of text
is it remains
when we stop thinking about them
then they occur
things stop
when we stop thinking about them
then they occur
what’s run out
the neverending
what’s run out
Brad, you are writing a book
called "Brad’s buddhism"
most people don’t see religion that way
they see ceremonies, activites and beliefs
well you have beliefs
the worst part
another of those mornings
in and out of bed
writing homilies
things just run and run
i don’t know
when you write
you don’t want to get
too fictional
experience outweighs fiction
and gives depth
if only i could get it
wake me
early in the morning
and then
i write
and write
and write
anesthetize you
to situations
you should get out of
or make changes to
i class
over immersion
in entertainment
as a drug
it always amazes me
the number of things that can go wrong
like you are being searched for some reason
it always amazes me
the number of things that can go wrong
like you are being searched
for some reason
brad warner
you are writing a book
called "buddhism the answer to life"
there is no answer to life
because there was never a question in the first place
is a fiction
made too real
things that should only be thought about
become actions and beliefs
the crazy get crazier
little dishonesties
take us a mile off course
we veer a mile
from where we should go
an "adept"
can’t say much
because where he was taught
proficiency is frowned upon
the usual way
at some point
you have to break free
and teach yourself
a preacher trapped in text
talking for so long
he comes to believe it
"too long"
can be a reason
to leave
what wells up from memory
sometimes surprises
what wells up from memory
text text
letters and numbers
and full stops
and quote marks
question marks and hyphens
sanity is bordered by insanity
insanity is bordered by sanity
obvious when you think about it, but insanity is also bordered by itself
the end of the road
you get out
look around
there’s a barrier
not exactly necessary as the road stops there
you get back in
turn around
and drive back
a top spins
my head spins
my life spins
this world spins
spin a little less please
a top spins
my head spins
the world spins
spin a little less please
there’s a whole new "genre" of "zen" grown up on the net which is
anti-meditation or contemplation and is basically text based with an underlying "i’m enlightened, you’re not" theme
over-attach to "meaning"
, not understanding its fluid nature and as stalin said as he signed the order for execution of the polish officers at katyn. "paper can bear the weight of anything put upon it"
if you post anything of "contemplative insight"
, they then proceed to bother you endlessly because it conflicts with their preconceived notions of being "enlightened"
being unable to "talk the talk" they then try to beat you into silence
joshu/zhaozhou and
ryokan occupy a space people don’t want or can’t go to because it is celibate zen
the problem is, its the only space "zen" has any meaning
joshu’s “
song of the twelve hours of the day ”
the net
text becomes more important than reality
it replaces reality
the male dream
supercompetence and women
genghis khan realised it
“ why is there something rather than nothing ? ”
because if you have "nothing" then that also implies having something
its a real art to explain something simply, for years i have looked for a "simple" explanation or overview of what cryptography is, but never found it
this has just turned up
its a rare ability apparently, that you, rafael pass, have
its interesting that at this point its not known whether you can create intrinsicially secure cryptography which actually will become a practical problem with the development of quantum computing, if you think about it, quantum itself is actually a solution, no doubt there will be degrees of "quantumness" and the ability to solve the kolmogorov complexity problem
to live your life by "text" is a bit crazy
taking "precepts" is the whole core of the religious problem
its making too real what is in fact oversimplified "wisdom literature"
, its something to think about and that’s all
"wisdom rules" don’t seem to translate into life very well at all and i have to say my observation of people who take precepts is they are closed minded hypocrites, borderline personality even
a disabled child
whose mother had rejected him
there is no redress
or mercy
or what ?
the moon
through the clouds
spilling its light
like on a lake
patterns in the sand
like human lives
asking what the pattern means
isn’t futile
its mistaken
without meaning
the usual human patter
the other worlds of translation
beyond this time at least
not male
not female
stuck in the strange world
male and female
you know r|zen is a psychward when it kicks out the sane
“ Most mystics throughout history say Infinity can only be reached through
good-will, compassion, and more ”
good-will and compassion are meaningless aggregates
i think there’s a lot of circumstantial things in life
deep trends
but circumstances can be favourable or unfavourable
edward hopper’s personal life is not so attractive, his wife, josephine was quite a good painter and he was mean to her
they both needed to eat better, the brain can’t run well on a poor diet
they were not suitably matched
contrary to what you might think, the dutch are very religious with a lot of different sects
if you listen to what
these women say its just brainwashing
why would they have to do nothing but justify themselves ?
i come across many on the web whose ideas are so far off track and restricted as to be characteristic of schizophrenia, modelling without any attempt to test in the real world
when you question them, its either complete silence by return or that flip into aggression, not having learnt how to deal reasonably when challeneged
there’s quite a few "convent" videos on the web, with one or two exceptions they seem to be proof the notion of god is "bogus"
if god is infinite
, then surely he or she must be wider than any particular religion or genre
only "literature" seems to get this
if you want to understand a woman, look at her earrings
a bunch of fairly conventional philosphical ideas
worshippers of voynich in men
from that
you can see everything is doomed
worshippers of voynich in men
you can see everything is doomed
before it starts
if you have an imperfect understanding of infinity
well, everyone does
the problem is when you
the morons
the point
the strangeness of being
i still can’t figure it out
a dream catcher
for the intellectualy disabled
brad warner
a dream catcher
for the intellectualy disabled
all these western "devotees"
of various indian gurus
their hidden sexual agendas
are the only explanation
nuns and monks
shaped by belief systems
how can you
give your life
to insanity ?
what really can be said ?
well i’m saying nothing
that said it !
i’m eating liver
i slit its throat last night
it doesn’t get fresher
the aged
locked up in their little cells
fed and watered
and carted away when dead
the convenience store
of life
m.f.a’s who can’t write
pretentious magazines
the academic shemoozzle
the latter day scam
of the intelligentsia
what’s wrong with the monastic life
anonymity of the graves
writing reconstructs something
writing reconstructs something from nothing
i thought the harpist looked quite young, at ten a genuine prodigy
the fingers are not quite strong enough, but the
interpretation is played with feeling and cannot be bettered
cai thomas singing the
suo gan
with a lot of legal stuff, all you are doing is making it more expensive for the opponent to continue than settle
covers of "drama" and "love has won"
human life is optimized, if you can call it that, for continuity
therefore all activites tend to continuity
infinity is a discontinuous event, even though it may appear to have continuity
human life is optimized, if you can call it that, for continuity
therefore all activites tend to continuity
infinity is discontinuous
a good video on
posture for walking
people are as different as landscapes
you can’t terraform one into another
liturgies have a functional purpose
to codify the craziness
so you know who is in this asylum
and outside
translations by idiots
make idiots
of the reader
one is the obverse of the other
why ?
a frosty dawn
the noise of the birds
warm in their feathers
no mammal sounds at all
a frosty dawn
the noisy birds
warm in their feathers
no mammal sounds at all
the problem with convents and monasteries is the
"over-identification" of god as "discrete"
they are constantly maintaining an image, "the god of love" or whatever
sort of a "can say" "can’t say" that goes on forever, which of course is why the world occurs
there is no "right" or "wrong" in terms of what other people do, just look out for agendas !
in all this world
there is only me
and the grief of that
and other
the religious
you can’t go after them
they disappear
up the arse
of some text
everything just runs on and on
on and on
ad infinitum
yet there is a stop
if you
can find it
why error persists forever is
it cannot
brad warner has won
armed with the babelic libray of buddhism
moving in with his girlfriend
ruined him
why error persists forever is
it cannot
there is always a group
in any society
who would destroy
the existing social structure
and take over themselves
ideologies are the camouflage
for this aggressive
the problem with buddhists
and their
pseudo-philosophical world view
is they believe it
more than christians
the christian world view is so inconsistent
even the insane will have moments of sanity
but buddhists
dull of mind
have no doubts
what is nonsense
the tableaux of death
it sounds better than inanity
so many
spill their lives
they want you to spill your life
into them
the bastards
its not benign
they mean you harm
there’s nothing worse
than trying
it matters
it matters
does not
this interplay
congenital nuclear cataract, the entire nucleus
is filled
this is what happens to lesser extreme with the most common form of age related cataracts
its in some degree in everyone’s future, the lens nuclues is real
ed. second photo to the right
there’s an interesting relation between the writing of a muscial composition and a performer learning it
the composition in this case would have taken much less time than
tiffany is taking to learn it
i doubt bach would be spending this time learning to perform it either, on the other hand, his performance could be inferior ?
anyway, its the writing itself that gives a density and compression of space and time unattainable any other way
it amazing how little the truth that vincent van gogh didn’t commit suicide but was shot in
"mis-adventure" has fitered through to popular and academic cultures, even with a film
like this
he also never cut off his own ear, gauguin did that and van gogh covered up what was a serious offence
his letters are the most sane writing i have ever read
eihei dogen writes that the buddhist doctrine of "twelve fold dependent origination" is
"the wheel of
ie complete nonsense
from the horse’s mouth but who listens ?
notions like the twelve fold chain are actually a philosophical and reasoning mistake common to all religions which involves the making of an identity between abstractions and their particular instances, whereas the nature of the process of abstraction only relates in the most indefinite way to any specifics
“ could you say something about food and zen ? ”
its so bad as to be life shortening
the only decent food i ever had on a sesshin was made by a russian orthodox couple and it was "heavenly"
the external world
supposedly uninfluenced by us
pulsates with every beat of our hearts
the external world
with the beat of our hearts
i’m getting old
tired of arguing
the energy ebbs to stillness
the recognition
of the impossibility
of changing anything
the wrath of god is gentle
it works the only way it can
its what we miss
the fine trees and garden
oh, that’s the wrath of man
the wrath of god is gentle
it works the only way it can
its what we miss
the fine tree and garden
no longer there
oh, that’s the wrath of man
a day in the life of the mala mala game reserve which borders the kruger national park on the west
to break the spell
of a film or television program
look at the actors outside that role
and the director and writer too
it does wonders
these artful fabricators of what is
usually nonsense
we all
have our
different crosses to bear
we all have our different crosses to bear
competence is a dreadful thing
it consumes you worse than any flame
keeping you within the bounds
of its walls
a bunch of idiots
chasing a toxic rainbow
a bunch of idiots
chasing a toxic rainbow
the fall of icarus
so many meanings
on different levels
but the young are headstrong
and the old survive
“ why do you think premarital sex was made a sin by the christian church ?
i’m trying to think of a practical reason why ”
things used to freer before the advent of syphilis, but religious doctrines are often really social "mores" in disguise, that is, they often have a/the "productive" purpose of the social control of a disruptive behavior
also its only since about
1950 its been relatively easy for young people to earn enough to support a child and actually that may be changing again
better than a circus
of reality
true envy is when they won’t touch those they envy
but attempt to massacre those around them
i don’t know what you are saying
or why you are saying it
collection of recent art by jason, except for the drawing of him at the bottom
i quite like
this one , interestingly herman melville also
symbolised a palm tree
the xinxin ming
a lot of nonsense
except for one line
"just avoid picking and choosing"
i can’t disagree with that
don’t bother with god, or buddha, or angels or demons or prophets and life will be saner and simpler
everywhere i looked for rest
some minimization
of the kaleidoscope
but i forgot
its never static
but always
everywhere i looked for rest
some minimization
of the kaleidoscope
but i forgot
its never static
but always
a presentation of
annabel lee , it works i think because it captures the rhythm
its certainly one of poe’s most profound poems
edgar allan poe’s death by rabies fits well with what we know of him and not the "drunk" hypothesis, at that point he wasn’t drinking at all
another unfortunate "random event" like vincent van gogh being accidently shot
van gogh had a finished
final painting while poe’s
last work was unfinished
what is effectively a group effort of jason, catarina and myself translating catarina’s poem
colourless existance
when i lose my zest for life
i’ll ignore my elegant lipstick
with unkempt hair and heavy eyes
mirror of a loss of meaning
when i lose my zest for life
the exquisite bra won’t excite
the irrelevancy of a tumultuous mind
it will not help me amidst my misfortune
when i lose my zest for life
inured to anguish
i will withdraw
no smile for anyone
when i lose my zest for life
wonderful clothes i shine in
will in that sad hour
be abandoned
when that unwanted time comes
and i live in abject conformity
and lose my dreams
you can’t go past the limit
on the limit
you are the limitless
i have damaged my left knee somehow, and researched it on the web, i wasn’t really paying much attention to it and trying "to walk" the problem out, ie just ignoring and not resting it
however researching on the web identified it as likely a torn or stretched miniscus or ligament and the best thing is to just rest up
saved myself the trouble and expense of diagnosis and likely treatments or watever that would make it worse, plus corrected me
the body has millions of years of evolutionarily designed mechanisms behind healing joint problems, let them come into play
jordan peterson took the road of psychiatric medications instead of supplements and getting the diet right
he paid the price for trying to save the world and not himself
“ the great way is not difficult, just avoid love and hate ”
there is no great way
love and hate are constructs
the target’s north
the zen adepts shoot south
and call that
“ some scholars note the similarity with a poem called mind inscription by
niu-t’ou fa-jung (594-657) (gozu hõyû) of the oxhead school of chan and have speculated that the
xinxin ming is an abridged version of the mind inscription ”
how crazy is it to write a book or talk about the the
Ming without knowing that ?
the reality of good poetry is its not possible to translate effectively
the level of insanity in religion is such
that it re-defines it
the limits of writing
are the writing of limits
we can only see the right roads
by virtue of the wrong roads we have travelled
the disasters of one generation
are forgotten in the next
the generation after
has never even heard of it
and the generation after that
denies anything ever went wrong at all
so much mental action
on the boundary of
an illusion of similarity
only to discover
on knowing them better
how deeply dissimilar
you are
an illusion of similarity
people who you always have to deal with
you are refusing to address my point
about being dragged down by cross currents
to depths you may not recover from
you are refusing to take my point
about cross currents dragging you down into depths
from which you may not recover
a way of dealing with people
i don’t have to answer their nonsense
remedy lies
in the multiplicity of detail
we’d rather not address
remedy lies
in the multiplicity of detail
i’d rather not address
why is it
to know a person well
is like leafing through
another chapter
why is it
to know a person well
is to leaf through
another chapter
easy to be drunk
and the clarity of sobriety
takes pain
its not what i signed up for
and to be surrounded by sots
half blind
, half seeing
but offensive in their hubricity
and their belief you should shoulder all their burdens
easy to be drunk
and the clarity of sobriety
takes pain
an "improved" translation from the portuguese of writing by jason’s friend, catarina
Sitting on the windowsill, my body turned to heaven and my back to the world, I enjoy my favorite hour : a time of tranquility, the silence of a restless city that was earlier a pure impression of agitation
The sun sets calmly accompanied by a painted horizon with colors of dreams, sounds of seagulls in the background flying in the sky like spirits that return always to watch me
The moon rises and the city sleeps, replete with lights that shine in my eyes, terrestrial stars that transmit me to me peace and withdrawal
From my window I feel decay, hearing silence that the city had never provided, symbolizing a death of euphoria that took care of me
Planes move slowly in a distant place with destinations to other paradises, but none like this, where my company is the sounds of nature, and myself
Appreciating a city asleep for a short time, the stars appear illuminated gradually, and the light from a moon with an ethereal illumination the sun is lacking in
When this time of day passes, the day is born again with the sounds worthy of a city, different realities from the previous hours
a.a. milne
reading a chapter of
its a case of "hidden depths"
the "four quartets"
read by t.s. eliot
i don’t feel the "on-line retreat" is a format (ed. springwater center) that works, after all
any-one can put aside a day themselves and the talks are empty because they lack that close personal interaction
however, what would be useful is multiperson zoom type "conferences" where a teacher or other experienced people can provide advice and discussion
women can start to lose their "cognitive marbles" a bit as they approach menopause, and for some you will even have very early indications of a later dementia
“ Olhos piedosos de infidelidade E passos cansados do pecado ”
the female icarus of infidelity, soaring high with pious eyes and the tired wings of sin
a daughter examines her feelings on discovering her mother secretively texting a man she wants for a lover
it hurts that our past together is no longer there, your heart lost in the emptiness of unreciprocated love
why do you need to misrepresent me?, there’s a serious problem there
my least popular view in terms of "the spiritual path" is the instrumentality of celibacy
the problem is that the non celibate life has too many things coming from too many directions in addition to contrary paradigms so "effective practice" is actually a "sour" illusion in that context
conventional religion is "safer" in that respect because you don’t get into the mystical side and drowned in the cross currents, the usual consequence
as you point out
"no-self" is a real thing, but when self necessarily includes spouse/girlfriend/children then you are going to be ripped apart
i used to think that just a girlfriend and no children was ok, but even just a girlfriend doesn’t work either, its a different paradigm
humans are not "created"
but made by a process
the process is called evolution
unlike god, you can put your finger on it
the results anyway
with god you can’t put your finger on anything
"normal levels
of zinc support human resistance to inflammatory and infectious diseases"
"zinc and its binding substances can slow down the work of
RNA polymerase (an enzyme that synthesises viral
RNA molecules) of coronaviruses and suppress their spread in the body"
add zinc to the arsenal of "supplements" useful against covid, vitamin
D and
K and possibily copper and germanium
sometimes i wonder if i would even notice i had it, having the "good" blood type, "
O" and taking vitamin
K2 and
D daily
even the dead kick occasionally
eihei wanted to sleep in, but his girlfriend pushed him out of bed and said "make the breakfast then take the dog for a walk"
eihei wondered as he walked down the street
, toy dog in tow "am i the person who gets bossed around like this" and he bumped into the bodhisattva of compassion who looked him in the eyes and said
the buddha was celibate for a reason
not just any bright star
but jupiter
that colourful world
strangely abstracted
into what its not
not just a bright star
but jupiter
that colourful world
strangely abstracted
into what its not
the passages we never took
the lives we never lived
at moments
come crowding in on one
a half moon rises
its light holds a mystery
a slight menace in the shadows
a partially illuminated world
so, taking some old papers off my desk i came across a poem written in
2015, it seems sort of dissonant, like i don’t want to know it, maybe its not dense enough or doesn’t quite hit the spot, what has happened to me that i feel i hit the spot in my recent writing ?
anyway i added two words on the end which seems to improve it
there's nothing to say
the illusion of the frictionless publishing of the web
you think it means something
it doesn’t
though it may
jiddu krishnamurti is a
polished speaker , not afraid to interact with his audience
there’s a lot of skulls out there
with brains inside
each going its separate way
whatever the appearance
ed. once you strip away cultural and memetic veneers, people are guided by their own stars and there’s not much you can do about it, and as you get older, there’s not much you want to do about it
losing a day
thought sunday was monday
on monday i couldn’t explain things
enlightenment is the endless patience
to correct things
then find yourself
still unfinished
enlightenment is the endless patience
to correct things
then find yourself
a poem should weave and wrap
and sail and dive
and come up somewhere
a poem should weave and wrap
and sail and dive
and come up somewhere unknown
i have done too many hard things in my life
that would have had some point if i had finished them
as it is,
i am just left with the difficulty
the stones in the stream
in the crystal wash
with strings of algae
ferry me somewhere
the evening star coming over the horizon
looks mournful
ed. well the reason is it was jupiter, which, with saturn are orbiting closest to the earth in twenty years
the peons
thinking they
can speak
and write
grunt around
in their restricted
in denial of any ceiling
but above it
the angels sing
in language
you can
i have looked
from the beginning to the end of time
this and many universes
but i have not found
anything that wasn’t me
"that you are wasting what’s left of your life"
lol, it not the "wasting" but "left" that worries me !
the world can fool you
it intends it
the world will fool you
it intends it
all the roads that go nowhere
we seem to travel every one
never finding the one that goes somewhere
all the roads that go nowhere
we seem to travel every one
thinking they go somewhere
the problem with "hypersanity" is you can only measure it in terms of "sanity", but you can’t have the greater beholden to the lesser
why was osip mandelstam so wrapped up in the hagia sophia ?
it just a building
with small windows
give me the outside
with the breeze in my face
why was osip mandelstam so wrapped up in the hagia sophia ?
it just a building
with small windows
give me
the outside
in your
the most important thing in the "working life" is to be in an area where you have a "natural aptitude"
it needn’t be an entire match, but basically, it must be good enough
if you are uncertain about something you may be doing, then it pays "to get there" before you get there, ie, start doing some of the work immediately so you start on the process and so can see where to go
you need to put a lot more rigour into your suppositions which are in the area of childish, rather than workmanlike
basically you are just writing poor quality "sophism" and are entirely unaware of it
there is another world out there, unconstrained by meaning
the only sense is
what happens
puzzle over that
wise ones
in his book (
printed 1814)
, "a voyage to abyssinia"
, henry salt describes a climb up into the mountains behind aden with a gripping account (page 92) of the last stages of the ascent to an ancient watch tower erected right on an uppermost precipice
i looked on the net to try to find these towers, but no luck, i assume they are no longer standing, then lo and behold, here they are in
this drawing of a failed portuguese assault on the city in
in my dreams
i traverse the gulf of aden
its crystal seas
crossed with galleon wakes
lapis lazuli skies
arid capes
torrid lands
blazing sun
more strange
than anywhere
on earth
i find
there is an advantage to having writing separate from income, you can write what pleases you, that’s a huge deal
the stay of fools
wasting their lives
being some-one else
be yourself
and a bit more
that is all
dogen nisargadatta
books teachers
the seekers all looking
outside of themsleves
for what is not there
those empty shells of idiocy
rattle around
words, practices
making sewers
of their lives
this is called
"being spiritual"
to exist on this planet
one needs to visit other worlds
on a regular basis
i can keep tabs up for several weeks, sometimes i do this with music if i feel it has something to it and, accidently really several weeks later i will play it again and actually hear it, like for the first time, i can track there’s really something to it
the gipsy song
ay danu danu dani
the spinning circles of error
open up
to be closed by correctness, only to spin open
the way leonard cohen fell for the spiritual crap is just amazing
especially when his lyrics are so much better !
jason works on a translation with catarina, i make some comments, the original portuguese is a bit further down the page
seated with my legs on the windowsill, my body turned to heaven and my back to the world, i enjoy my favorite hour : a time of tranquility, the silence of a restless city that was once a pure reflection of agitation
the sun sets calmly accompanied by a painted horizon with colors of dreams, sounds of seagulls in the background flying in the sky like souls that return always to watch me
the moon rises and the city sleeps, replete with lights that shine in my eyes, terrestrial stars that transmit me peace and evasion
from my window i feel decadence, hearing silence that the city had never provided, symbolizing death like a euphoria that took care of me
planes move slowly in a distant place with destinations to other paradises, but none like this, where my company is the sounds of nature, and myself
appreciating a city asleep for a short time, the astros appear illuminated gradually, and the projection from a moon with an exuberance greater than the sun. when this time of day eludes itself, the day is born again with the sounds worthy of a city, different realities from previous hours
my comments
i can’t really build a picture of how she is seated
"a pure reflection of agitation"
reflection doesn’t seem to fit
"like souls that return"
can’t get to grips with that either, spirits ?
"transmit me peace and evasion"
evasion = removal ? withdrawl ?
" I feel decadence,"
is decadence the right word ?
"symbolizing death like a euphoria that took care of me"
doesn’t seem right
"the astros appear"
stars ?
"with an exuberance greater than the sun"
exuberance = intensity ? ebullience ?
"When this time of day eludes itself,"
needs re-expressing imo
she has a wonderful feel for language, a natural flowing rhythm, maybe a short story is the next step ?
she will win the camões prize one day !
so much of historical art
is absolute and complete kitsch
antoine watteau is "out of time"
, he has a maxfield parrish touch
the process is the result
i have done way more "meditation" than anybody i know of, my advice is from experience
the basic problem is you are using nisargadatta (ed. my reply) as some sort of guide, but you are treating him as an authoritative source rather than as a "peer"
if you treat him as a peer then you can allow he makes mistakes and what's more, you are not dealing with him directly at all, but records which can be highly filtered and distorted
as it is, you are treating him as an "authority"
, so his mistakes become yours
same holds for dogen
meditative work is your own discovery, its what discovery opens up. you are not consciously going anywhere or waiting for something to happen
eihei dogen is heavily indebted to
nagarajuna’s rhetorical and stylistic techniques of "recursive layering"
, so actually he sounds pretty indian
i like this quote of nagarajuna
“ if an astronomer calculates from the sky
he will ascertain the paths of the moon and the stars;
but in his house the womenfolk are at variance,
and he does not perceive their various misconducts ”
not that i have looked that closely, but the usual representations of nisargadatta have seemed confused to me, however this
documentary is good
what surprised me is the extent to which he is imbued with christian mysticism, but its not surprising given mumbai's christian and catholic colonial past, very "john of the cross" actually, a translation from the emotionally "cloying" catholic paradigms into something more philosophical and "drier"
“ in the inner stillness where
meditation leads, the spirit secretly anoints the soul and heals our deepest wounds ”
the old testament
soap opera for patriarchs
the noise of the world
generation after generation
they like it that way
everything seems unreal to me
people and their differentiation
another species from myself
protestantism and catholicism are not poles apart
peel back the paint
the same stupidity
is revealed
getting older
the winds of aging whip up
so do the winds of life
a capacity
women can be just as dumb about men as men about women
jason tries his hand as a "gossip columnist" with my comments after each of his
“ well its not because it’s good damien, but because its
worth money ”
damien hirst is always marketing himself
“ damien hirst’s girlfriend scares the shit out of me for some reason ”
the women famous people attract are always trouble
and murderous
“ jeff koons’
well he grew up super privileged with all that money
, he can probably just do whatever he wants. he’s got a pretty girlfriend, but yeah i mean he won’t start to understand the celibate life, not that i’m saying he wants to anyway ”
if the father is talentless, why would the son have talent ? bourgeois to the hilt i am afraid
“ well you probably heard about this manic shit
, yeah he’s probably in a manic episode
and then this
schizophrenic shit , reminds me of dave ”
kayne west will be selling more (ed. running for president)
, good marketing. also his wife is probably eyeing becoming "first lady"
, it looks a measured decision, he and his wife are no fools
oddly enough, jason’s portuguese friend "catarina" writes really well, could become well known one day
in the portuguese and a google translation
Sentada com as pernas sob o parapeito da janela, corpo virado para o paraíso e de costas para o mundo, desfruto da minha hora favorita : o tempo da tranquilidade, do silêncio de uma cidade inquieta que outrora era pura reflexão de agitação. O sol deita-se suavemente acompanhado de um horizonte pintado das cores do sonho e do desejo, sons de gaivotas no fundo voando sobre o céu como almas que voltam sempre para me assistir. A Lua ascende e a cidade adormece, repleta de luzes que brilham nos meus olhos, estrelas terrestres que me transmitem paz e evasão. Da minha janela sinto a decadência, ouço o silêncio que a cidade nunca me proporcionara, símbolo de morte de uma euforia que tomava conta de mim. Aviões movimentam-se demoradamente num espaço longínquo com destino a outros paraísos, mas nenhum como este, onde a minha companhia são os sons da natureza, a minha pessoa. Aproveito uma cidade adormecida de curta temporalidade, os seus astros iluminados que aparecem progressivamente, e a projeção de um luar com uma exuberância maior do que a do próprio sol. Quando esta hora se esquiva, o dia já nasce e com ele os sons dignos de uma cidade, realidades diferentes de horas anteriores
Sitting with my legs under the windowsill, my body turned to heaven and my back to the world, I enjoy my favorite hour : the time of tranquility, the silence of a restless city that was once pure reflection of agitation
The sun goes down gently accompanied by a horizon painted in the colors of dream and desire, sounds of seagulls in the background flying over the sky like souls who always come to watch me
The moon rises and the city falls asleep, full of lights that shine in my eyes, terrestrial stars that transmit peace and evasion
From my window I feel the decay, I hear the silence that the city had never given me, symbol of the death of a euphoria that took over me
Airplanes move for a long time in a distant space bound for other havens, but none like this, where my company is the sounds of nature, my person
I take advantage of a sleeping city of short duration, its illuminated stars that appear progressively, and the projection of a moonlight with an exuberance greater than that of the sun itself
When this hour eludes, the day is born and with it the sounds worthy of a city, realities different from previous hours
a story says what
the madness of its author ?
to write a poem like a book
one would just sit down
and write
weaving characters into plots
the human male dreams of
not women
but "supercompetence"
a lovely story about
katherine hepburn
in a garden
the roses
rejuvenate your retinal photoreceptor function with
deep red light
the weakness of "bullshit" is people need a certain degree of accuracy to survive, so you can hit people between the eyes by saying something accurate, they need it, even though they don’t like it
this cover is good, the "aides" are the model’s mother and grandmother which is a nice touch
i think it shows that the magazine is more "intelligent" than most of that ilk
good publicity for them and i suspect that portugal, like spain has huge mental health problems
actually i would think there are very few places in the west that don’t
"performative contradictions"
a good phrase
saying one thing
writing compared to oral
with the winding of memory
can’t compete
another pretender
they are all the same
they pretend
a creative burst
or flash flood
what remains ?
flotsam stuck high in the trees
and i wonder why
a creative burst
or flash flood
what remains ?
the end
looks you in the face
searching for clues
words finished
but unfinished
i leave off
and toss them
into the suitcase
pessoa rolls in the grave
i give him a drink
not sober, he quaffs it
i gave up my missionizing
some years
so i sat down
and wrote ten poems/homilies
one after another/ in a row
am i exhausted ?
where did they come from ?
how and why were they built ?
unanswerable questions
i try to answer
but can’t
write for yourself
let others read
or not
a poem
abbreviated sense
opens out
flower garden
“ what is the way ? ”
its always the way
too craft, cozy
what should i do ?
the words will come
empty full
goodbye hello
let the readers make sense
written out
wrtiten down
left, right, in
the bleeding
aeons tick by
our little aeons within the aeons
everything is nothing
and nothing is everything
so the zen conundrumists say
they’re idiots
let me dream
plashy brooks
leafy trees
eternal summer
there ?
some thoughts coalesce
out of which
a poem appears
no rearrangement
just write it down
it is as it is
your take
on reality
the road to death
is not so much
strewn with
injuries, pain, loss of function
a crimping of ourselves
bills dependence
you could hardly say it was a road at all
but a junkheap
a powerhouse performance !
i have noticed that sisters playing together can get a degree of synchronicity and depth of mutuality that cannot be matched any other way
a mist on the mountains
jordan peterson on his recent
"the consequences for benzodiazepine withdrawl were worse than death"
actually he looks like he has come back from hell and death and in a way is the more relaxed for it
i always felt he and his daughter never had their diets right and attention
to my writings on the subject with supplementation would have saved them the debacle they have just been through
all these tin eared stupids
2nd rate musicians
scrabbling on the web
looking for
to boost their
you are interested in certain things
because of an incompleteness in yourself
once you make the "completion"
you will move on
any problem
has to be solved
from a number of
different viewpoints
even outside
any problem
has to be solved
from a number of
different viewpoints
the first lines of
a poem by vittoria colonna
i live on this depraved and lonely cliff
like a sad bird abhorring a green tree
or splashing water
ed. she’s an interesting person, well worth some
research on
a drawing by michelangelo of her
my reply
the splashy brook
the wooded grove
all that is wanted
there i hove
you don’t need anything direct
because there is no direct
correcting error
is all
one thing excludes all others
but it doesn’t
all things exclude one thing
but they don’t
conundrum ? !
brad pursues "successful enlightenment"
he never found it
however what he did find
"lack of success"
brad pursues "successful enlightenment"
he never found it
however he did find
"lack of success"
the world looks for what it can’t find
and when it finds what it doesn’t look for
it forgets
and so all realms and beings
wend their usual way
to remember
is exceptional
you are the only person
who knows
the world is full of monsters
half men
half something else
adding up
to what ?
its hard to beat
buddhist cosmology for being so much insane rubbish
“ george wants to go to therapy but he’s struggling with money, is it worth it for him to go to therapy anyway if he’s just going to continue with the drugs ? ”
half an hours meditation a day, it teaches people to bear with themselves when they are not feeling so good and gain some insight into their stratagems
r|meditation is full of recovered addicts and alcoholics, unpleasant people, but recovered all the same
maybe ayahuasca is a help, i don’t know
some drugs have to be "stepped off" like alcohol and cigarettes to avoid bad health consequences
drugs damage the brain and the more damaged it gets, the more easily it is damaged, a one way street anyone can read the signposting for
not science fiction but the
real mars , a planet with not enough gravity, no liquid water, unbreathable atmosphere and no magnetosphere to protect against cosmic rays and energetic particles from the sun
sergei korolev who spent several months in a gulag gold mine in the kolyma area, lucky to come alive out of there i would say
soviet russia suffered from the same problems as nazi germany, the destruction of the most productive portion of its middle class
i think abstract art is because the artist can’t manage perspective
2D is so
limited compared to the semantic space of
the cess pits
intellectual endeavour
beyond the appearance something else is going on
some machinery you have no idea about
beyond the appearance something
else is
some machinery
you have
the never ending story
correcting the uncorrectable
waste your life
and waste your time
in correcting them
the never ending story
the correction of the uncorrectable
waste your life
and waste your time
in correcting them
we are constantly building a picture of "our place" in the world
the problem is
"our place" creates the world
when i use the term "schizophrenia"
, its often, but not always, in the sense of an endemic human condition, don’t take it personally
replacement photoreceptors
this looks right up there with cataract operations as a major advance, but it looks five years away from becoming a standard therapy for degenerative retinal diseases
too crowded
within myself
to see
an awful feeling
quite a cool use of colour
, painting by eyal massad
a definition of "science" is a sort of intellectual cultural game played here in the west, i will confess to thinking about it occasionally so here is what i have worked out
i would say "science" is not a quest for "truth" per se, since it never can be arrived at, but is a process of the positing of relatively improved hypotheses about the way the material world works
some-one asks
i would be curious to know why truth can never be arrived at
people used to think the earth was flat, but through scientific observation and calculations we know the truth that it is not, i’m also curious to know why you put "science" in quotes
my reply
people never thought the earth was flat, in fact its diameter was calculated by eratosthenes in about
200 BCE
there are geometries in which spheres are rendered as flat or non circular (quite useful in physics), its like anything, when you start to poke it, it opens out
however i am thinking of modern astrophysics and "the standard particle model" which have big holes implying further development of the theory and in fact it seems to go on forever
there is no finality or fixed point of observation which is actually the "zen view"
i put science in quotes to reflect that it is just a viewpoint, that of synchronous theories about material reality, i might say contrast it with "magical realism" which is certainly not scientific, but conveys truths of its own
"alice in wonderland" is a superb example of the truths magical realism can convey
"reading this, i have often come down on the side of buddhist exceptionalism and modernism"
guilty as
confessed , sentence, caregiver to a toy dog forever
i think these days with the net it has gone even further
, especially zen and daoism where you have them used as comfort umbrellas for what is really mental illness or schizophrenia with highly idiosyncratic personal claims to boost
self-esteem with no real life social involvement at all, indeed, it is strongly avoided and actually brad, i also think you are in this
anti-social area of this "new" net buddhism/zen
my real life experience of zen and buddhism was strongly social and the development of social skills and understanding from this "contact" was of huge benefit, these "net buddhists" take the doctrinal junk and reject the social skill offering which is so wrong and upside down as to be mentally ill imo
to me, the notion of being a buddhist, christian or muslim also seems crazy, at the most one might say a person has some buddhist
, christian or islamic beliefs, (which at their core are the claims that christ, buddha and muhammad are historical people) that’s the most it could ever amount to, but to claim an absolute like "being" a christian, buddhist or muslim is actual conscription into a pysch ward
people are not passive participants in ethical systems
they are constantly working it/them for their own advantage
the web game is
what is not so
is said to be so
simply because
it is said
kinga lost in the middle of maasai nowhere, tanzania and has to
ask for directions
you are "declaiming" which seems to be a popular sophistical error, saying something is so, doesn’t make it so, its the mentally lazy substitute for "real work" again an epidemic modern attitude
we actively interpret the world though models we have of it, so "introspection" is needed to work on the validity of the models themselves
its not commonly done at all, being time and energy intensive with limited incremental results and a huge amount of trauma
a typical error is the assumed primacy of social over personal reality which ties into "the solipsism of neurology"
some-one asks
if confusion comes from interpreting reality via a model, is it worth making incremental changes to that model ?
my reply
most people form a rigid model by the time they are eight or nine and certainly by twenty and their life is a playing out of the accuracies and inaccuracies of the model
we make minor adjustments to the model throughout our lives, usually as the result of trauma
this is as evolution intends and is a part of its strategy for the survival of children
this is imo, why celibacy is so essential to the "spiritual search" because the changes to the "model" needed are so large that you become partly non-functional in the world, you are constantly dodging literal "crucifixion"
so in terms of "the conventional life" incremental improvements to the model are needed to reduce the burden of trauma, so in terms of your question, yes it is worthwhile
in the larger context of a "spiritual understanding" its a completely different ball game and i do not recommend it unless you are already partly there
be sophisticated in your social dealings
my elderly father damaged his hip and is now in hospital from falling when "jumping from table to sofa to tables fixing blinds"
my comment
i figured out several years ago that one has to be cognisant of what happens if one falls when past a certain age because everything breaks or damages so much easier and recovery is much slower and more problematic
there is the sadness of noticing the "cat like" reflexes younger people have "leave" and situations where you previously had the dexterity and resilience to save yourself, you no longer can
historically what has destroyed societies are pandemics, climate change and warfare, not "poor ethics"
some-one asks
is society just a bunch of people ? — are ethics not essential to the concept of "society" ? vital as in "defined by" ?
my reply
well from an ethical point of view i feel your reply is devious, i never said a society is just a bunch of people nor that ethical systems won’t arise in societies which can be defining, but like all definitions they can change
i think my beef with brad’s approach is "ethics" are native to the brain’s neurology, like language, they are always there in terms of the neurology, crazy metas like buddhist ethics are "crazy metas" more akin to schizophrenia than anything else
his further reply
. . . as for the rest about brains and metas — I must have missed something as i am not able to follow your line of thought
my reply
ok, you've missed something, why not work it out ?
the solipsism of neurology is the central thesis
its not that you can’t "get there" because you haven’t made the constructive progress necessary, but that errors in your "thinking systems" prevent you from understanding
and actually this is what "retreating" is about (since we are on a "zen" blog)
, to open us up to the perception of these errors
i really have seen it all on the web over the years
from stupid aggression to flawed talent
insanity however always shows itself to be dull
i think its the dishonesty of pretending to a real understanding when you just walk the road of entertainment that is the problem
why not at least be honest with yourself, you can’t i guess ?
brad warner is
wearing a mask going out for a walk in suburban los angeles and validating himself by saying he is following the buddhist vow of "i will follow the rules of society"
my comment
i vow to appear "to fit in" which is not the same as "following the rules of society"
i don’t drink or do drugs, try to look at all the sides to any situation , am celibate, childless, take care of my health by intelligent supplementation and attention to diet
none of those are in accordance with conventional attitudes
in eihei dogen’s time there was social permission for celibacy and childlessness, but that’s not the case today
the vow is already broken before its made, in a life there’s very few "rules" that hold and certainly the buddhist claptrap is a leading performer in this respect
you are stuck in the wrong dimension because you are moiled in the "low brow"
there’s no answers in contemporary culture which is the paean of idiots
i am used to people not listening to me
you don’t hear the deeper message do you ?
what you say now is inconsistent with what you have said earlier and you are not processing properly what i write and are coming up with invalid inferences about what i say
i am certain we have communicated before with the same result
there’s something about seeing another language in action, so meaningful to its participants, so incomphrehensible to
"she taught me to yodel"
sung by sofia shkidchenko
brad warner is becoming schizophrenic imo, he’s getting some sort of shadowing from his genes for huntington’s syndrome even though he doesn’t have the disease, late onset schizophrenia is surprisingly common and explains a lot of middle age disasters
eihei dogen’s "one bright pearl" has its 'spikes'
, beware
i can’t argue anything
definitions go backwards
that’s the road i follow
others don’t go there
i can’t argue anything
definitions go backwards
that’s the road i follow
others can’t
the future is very uncertain, in terms of health, trajectories can be changed with attention to diet, exercise, air quality, supplements etc
genetic testing except for extreme known conditions is problematic
generally i give people credit for knowing what they are on about if they think they have a problem
dream worlds shatter
it can matter
smoking debris of our pain
realism would have been our gain
i say stuff that seems to slip past you, there is a significant age difference between you, it matters
dream worlds shatter
it can matter
smoking debris of our pain
realism would have been our gain
the popular tableaux
films, music, commercial art
a culture absorbed into nothing
to its detriment
if someone has an enmity against you, they won’t be reasonable but use what they can against you
therefore don’t supply them with ammunition
, rational argumentation or help
in short, use them without qualms
with competence, you expect
its the self assured
without the competence
you can go down the wrong road, but if you take the trouble sort out your understanding somewhat
then its not entirely a waste of time
you can dimensionally layer the reasoning behind things and it abstracts across
more angles on reality
everything done right gives no angle/s
reality = right and wrong
look you are just meandering about in philosophical referent tricks of trade
why waste your time that way ?
treat buddha as a peer, treat eihei dogen as a peer, treat jesus and god as peers, not some untouchable authoritative source
and then you will make progress
one of the hazards of writing
people bear you enmity
for what you say
though you don’t know them
go figure
its a stress and a danger
the pen and the sword are intermingled
potholes we fall into
other modes of existance
we wake up
different world
david bentley hart, idiosyncratic fighter of the rearguard action of christian apology
well you can wave a sword but i’m crushing you
repudiating hell won’t save you will it ?
the devil is your own pusillanimous brain
great painting by hans memling
late medieval art takes you vividly into
a different world
around and around we go again
what did i miss last time ?
what will i miss this time ?
around and around we go again
what did i miss last time ?
if you have trouble understanding what i am writing, come back to it in a couple of days, the brain works on it "in absentia"
the past, whatever we do, we cannot undo
whatever we do, we cannot undo
a lot of buddhism is "corrupted" greek philosophy, particularly the misapplication and projection of "platonic idealism" into the personal
D and
K2 is a great help with joints, you need the
K2 to remodel the cartilage and bone, vitamin
D by itself is insufficient
the problem with ethical systems and why they are so much crazy nonsense is that they are rules and rules
over-simplify and assume complete discovery before the situation, whereas the situation is a constant wrapping and unwrapping into different perceptions and realities
i have done things i feel guilty about or my behaviour has been "narrow" but in no way do i hold myself to account in terms of a
so-called ethical system, mostly its "regrets" or violations of "feelings"
ethics imo belongs to the cultural and social sphere of punishment and reward, we are never "good" or "bad" people per se or in our personal view, but simply enmeshed in a system of discovery and consequences
religion is like a false social and personal memory
we come into life already wrecked because of it
we treat a memory as real
something that happened
but it could be something completely unreal
something that never happened
just sayin’
where would we be if it was the case ?
still where we are ?
we treat a memory as real
something that happened
but it would be something completely unreal
something that never happened
just sayin’
where would we be if it was the case ?
still where we are ?
the highly selective audience of the net and life
an echo chamber
if you’re not careful
the highly selective audience of the net
an echo chamber
if you’re not careful
the men and women behind glass walls
you can’t reach them
why ?
a poem wriggles away
into what i didn’t write
but is interesting
all the same
a poem wriggles away
into what i didn’t want to write
but is interesting
all the same
a quarter moon in the sky
the sea just seen
stretching into what i can’t say
a suspension of sorts
and not
brad warner
yet another priest
of eihei dogen
interpreting nonsense to mean nonsense
a glass wall behind which
no criticism can penetrate
he looks out
unseeing what
he needs to see
brad warner
yet another priest
of eihei dogen
interpreting nonsense to mean nonsense
a glass wall behind which
no criticism can enter
he looks out
unseeing what
he needs to see
the not quite dark
after a while
i heard
the waves
interpretation times interpretation = a lot of nonsense
interpretation x interpretation = a lot of nonsense
interpretation squared = a lot of nonsense
interpretation² = a lot of nonsense
there’s something very special about writing
it aligns the thoughts of
some-one very different to you
to your own
there’s something very special about writing
it aligns the thoughts of
some-one very different to you
to your own
good art does the same
there’s something very special about writing
it aligns the thoughts of
some-one very different to you
to your own
very few
medical professionals
keep up
with the
research literature
don’t assume anything
this gap
with considerable effort
you can cross yourself
what does
mean ?
i think one of the keys to understanding the net is the various audiences are not representative of "normative" populations
what gives lie to the primacy
of the material universe
is the intensely
subjective nature
of existance
hours burn
days burn
years burn
our lives burn
what is there to show for it ?
the ashes we become
hours burn
days burn
years burn
what have i to show for it ?
the ashes i become
circles and cycles
why would it exist in such a way ?
you need to look at eihei dogen as your "peer" and not authorative
unless you are celibate you cannot look at him or other celibates like joshu or the sixth patriarch as your peers
soto zen is caught in a ghost cave because of this
because they are caught, even though i explain this, they cannot see it
its years since i have seen an art film, everything seems to lack bite and lyricism, but maybe
ponyboi has that
not fitting in
one only fits in a dream
but the gifting of dreams
more real
than reality
english lit and writing courses
where the ignorant
more stupid
everything satiates
nothing stands still
everything moves on
contemplation re-wraps the world
be careful to keep it broad or it will wind tighter which is what happens in zen i think, a bunch of bound mummies, desiccated corpses pretending meaning lies where it doesn’t
the non-celibates with their wives, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, children, pets, animals churn in the mist thinking they are making progress not noticing they are going backwards
all the dogen quoters don’t quote him on the impossibility of
non-celibates reaching any understanding
such frauds !
not even the insane
are so persistent and unreasonable
a blight on the earth
they are
bruce lee
fake martial arts
fake philosophy
fake profundity
loved by
the world
was an entertainer
by halfwits
i am hated by the haters
the "likers" hate me as well
how hated can i get ?
apparently god loves me
if only i could find him/her
i am hated by the haters
the "likers" hate me as well
how hated can i get ?
apparently god loves me
if only i could find him
there’s something about teaching that cripples the intellect
“ what are you
DOING to fight racism ”
battles should offer a personal return
in my dealing with people i am not racist, that’s all that’s required
preaching is the panacea of hypocrites
men, the female agenda doesn’t have your long term best interests at heart
covid is showing itself to be very infectious, i don’t think international travel is on until there’s vaccines
one of the reasons why net relationships often don’t work out is the male may not have the right "immune system" match for the woman, she can tell by his "smell" and its instinctual, so any relationship in real life is a very open question
the lazy bastards
take the shortcut of "meta"
it doesn’t exist
you have to go through detail
, if you go through detail
there are answers
so fickle
from despair to hope
within several hours
so fickle
from hope to despair
within several hours
to write what you think
is the deepest spiritual truth
the tomb of edgar allan and virginia clemm poe
just a block
of marble in
bad taste
why the dead scrape the barrel bottom on kitsch seems a rule that has to be
no hint beyond the text
of anything
at all
modern life
everything so compressed
squeezed into a box
no wonder they explode
you need to take care with what you eliminate
there’s a high price to be paid if you get it wrong
and often
you do get it wrong
both with the eliminated and not eliminated
reading the life of the librettist
emanuel schikaneder helps to understand
the magic flute , it’s not just mozart’s music that makes it such a classic
“ the part of the inner ear affected by sensorineural hearing loss is supplied by only one artery, which makes it susceptible to damage if low oxygen is present [as can be the case in anemia] ”
study : “ association of iron deficiency anemia with hearing loss in
US adults ”
“ are people with high myopia (-
6 etc.) able to donate blood ? or it is a risk for retinal detachment ?
in post soviet union countries blood donation with myopia is restricted. but in the most countries it is not. ”
my comment
soviet medicine knew a thing or two, some of their concerns are not to be lightly dismissed though not conforming to western ideas
its prohibition against people with high myopia donating blood is due i think to an increased risk of holes in the retina and an increased risk of wet
AMD as the result of anemia, or "body iron" on the low end of normal
in actual fact
Hb tests are not a reliable guide to body iron levels so you can see the basis for their concern
sources, the first looks like a "automatic"
“ Experts, blood for blood for the normal eye has little effect, but the eye is myopic refractive errors, in general, mild myopia, is less than
300 degrees, complications will be minimal
The high degree of myopia is greater than
600 degrees, the anteroposterior diameter of the eye was longer, but the retina and choroid but not the corresponding variable length, leading to the retina, choroid elongated and diffuse atrophy, blood vessels also become more relevant slim
This vessel is very sensitive to changes in blood pressure, while the vitreous gel can be turned into liquid
Slight fluctuations in blood pressure when, for the retinal blood vessels pulled too thin for high myopia may cause retinal vascular spasm, leading to lesions of the retina has occurred hole, this time it will take the opportunity to liquefaction of the vitreous into the retina and cause a retinal detachment, a serious eye [condition] ”
the second is
a study , its from india which of course has a vegetarian diet as part of hindu culture
i would think
Hb is not a sufficiently good iron indicator for the purposes of high myope risk, that more sophisticated tests measuring a fuller range of haematological parameters are needed
interestingly, i have a close relative with essential thrombocythemia on hydroxyurea developing wet
AMD, likely as a result of the effects of platelet suppression as per the indian study
in his case, whether other drugs would be less problematic in this respect, i don't know; the drug therapy heading in
this link
the sense of the world
is not in the comprehensible
but what we
i don’t really criticize a poem, but if i do, i write a poem that picks the eyes of the problem
that shows i am on the same level as the writer, not some dumbarse who has had his ideas on reality discomforted /disturbed /dislocated
life spreads us as far as we can make it
focus to your detriment
wrong words in wrong realms
are our detriment
the tropics glisten
a sun so harsh
the cycle
the undercurrent of what people seek is acceptance
the eye is a chemically aggressive environment and the lenses do degrade, glistening is one measure, its a function of the material and time
replacement operations are surprisingly common, its called "explant"
long term corneal stability is essential for any use of lenses that exhibit "toricity"
artificial lenses occupy less volume than the natural lenses so you can get issues with the vitreous tugging on the retina
the eye is a very complex
bio-mechanical system with cataracterous lens replacement having subtle issues, for example less glutathione since the natural lenses produces glutathione and as yet undetermined immune reactivity and other effects to the replacement lens material
understand what dysphotopsia means
steroid induced cataracts are a huge developing problem in young people
its an operation to recover sight, not an operation to go "glasses free" in most cases
there’s forward and retiring people
there’s never any problem finding out what the forward think
but care needs to be taken to elcit from the retiring, they usually have more well thought out views
the problem with teaching
is what is taught
gets reinforced in both the teacher
and taught
the problem with teaching
is what is taught
gets reinforced in both the teacher
and pupils
huh, mikhail bakhtin’s
chronotrope is what i would call a "tableaux"
how things were under stalin and beria
number 12 , the writer
isaak babel
a small hole in the head according to nadezhda mandelstam
i think babel must have got too close to the notorious nikolai yezhov, lavrentiy beria being the new broom
these things are not as random as they appear
months of rain on end
the watercress
is growing well
months of rain on end
the watercress
grows well
“ when circumstances get overwhelming, what do you do ? ”
why are you asking ?
tap dancing noses — shostakovich
the problem with "ethics" is everything looks fine and dandy until it hits the wall of insanity, then it all breaks down because from the viewpoint of insanity there are no rules, which in fact is the actual situation
the classic example of that is the situation of jewry in europe under the nazis, the keepers of their value system, the priests actually contributed to their vulnerability and sometimes, quite actively as in their role of organising the ghettos
the general quality of priests i have seen, of any religion raises alarm bells about them having too dominant an influence in any culture
i think the point of literature is to escape the moil, toil and ignorance of the contemporary social sphere
the borgesian universe of the study of english literature
ed. jorge luis borges;
whore-hey lou-eece boar-hes audio
the borgesian universe of higher education
yes we know,
you read and talk and don’t do anything, your views are cryingly untainted by any real dealing in the subject area
lorianne replies
indeed, as a reader and instructor i am not doing enough. so please teach me : what more are you doing that you would advise for me ?
my reply
i have always been interested in history and it gives a perspective on these matters
i can’t convey it to you because you have to do it and actually its similar to the problem of trying to explain that translations are simply an opinion of the original work, you need to do some translation to understand that
there is a dimensionality to great writing and its language that you just cannot pull apart
your "fake" humility could do with some work btw
i’ve read some african writers and what i found interesting is you can understand them, they think the same way as me, literary thinking is above race and communality
alternatively, you of course can get caught up in the inanity of the hoi polloi, their rabidness, stupidity and grasping
the beauty of the "literary mode" is to take you across time, place and geography to where the thinking has salience and has somewhat sorted out the confusion
when i look at art or read, i also research the author or artist, that naturally gives a bit of historical perspective that can actually get quite weird at times with some surprising highly condensed connectivity
the point i make about "real dealing" is that until you interact with something on a street level so to speak, you really won't progress in understanding, otherwise teaching and reading would be adequate
i have had some contact with american students of english literature and i would have to say i have never come across such a bunch of politicised, opinionated stupids totally closed to anything that has not been shoved down their throats
the problem is the lack of "doing" they don’t write, they just read in a restricted way, and actually zen is like that to
well, the deeper problem is the complete lack of talent, even you must have noticed that
don’t let me interrupt your dream of middle class life, injured animals and toxic zen and i am sure you won’t
well, i must have pricked that thick hide because she replies
i’m confused by your reply. you said i need to do more, and i asked you to tell me what more i should do, and your response focuses on what you have studied, read, and observed. all that is fine and good, but what. do. you. want. me. to. do ?
i am asking you to teach me, and you reply by saying you can’t. that’s a nice sidestep but doesn’t help anyone
my reply
surely your reading age is up to coping with what i wrote ? a phd fgs ?
basically the contemporary world is just a rabble of noise, if you want the
"clarity of deeper understanding" you need to look across various eons to writers of substance and not be fooled by your
co-existantists, who while not always malign have twisted brains
i think that’s one of the interesting things about zen and what makes it so toxic, is the very restricted range of intellectual material, however it does introduce one, or at least mediation does to the contemplative mode, but one has to move on and out of the carefully crafted nonsense so embedded in it
you are asking me, yet your blogs of your solitary experience like your walks are where its at, that experience and the re-working they do and the writing thereof which is further processing, you are already there, the world hardly rates it, but its the deepest "spiritual experience"
this is the trouble with zen, its a fake "peer group" your peers are more in the artistic area and really if you are interested in for want of a better phrase "the overall meaning of life" you have to create a conversation with people like emily dickinson, sa'di (a medieval isalmic/sufi mystic)
, jenny joseph the poet . . .
there’s more answers in landscapes than people, and i think you can include artistic works and quality writing in that
since you have quite a bit right, what you probably have to do is lift your reading level and its so helpful to read the lives
for example sylvia plath, a deeply mystical poet (lorelei is one of the all time great poems) got literally killed by spreading her wings way too wide with children and a deeply unsatisfactory husband and then you can go across to pieter bruegel the elder and his famous "icarus painting", its never ending
i think the "text only" approach of some academic circles is very misguided and has its origins in a misinterpretation of jacques derrida
the really sad thing about sylvia plath is she was an outstanding prose writer, she could have made a good living at it it and if vogue had published her short story "mary ventura and the ninth kingdom" that would be the break she needed, but of course they didn’t
i don’t want to be too negative on zen, it does have some strengths, it teaches social skills and machiavellian politics quite well, but its origins are not what you would expect, some hermit in remote mountains like bodhidharma (actually quite close to a wealthy sponsor) but rather greek philosophy from the
greco-bactrian kingdoms on tang dynasty borders
the conventional buddha statue with pleated robes is stylistically greek
you may not think i am answering your queries, but i am
"declamation" is the rhetorical disease of today
people come straight out and say such and such is so and refuse to address your disputation of it
crazy worlds constructed on bad premises
why is hard to fathom
except self harming mischief
“ i’ve never had objections to any of your viewpoints, just with the
self-assured demeanor with which you deliver them ”
self assurance comes from competence, what do you expect ?
try treating me as person (ed. reply to "einsof" on brad warners vlog) and not some object to beat down just because our views differ and i can express myself well
just like i can’t change your views, you can’t change mine, so what’s the point ?
i take everything as an opportunity to explore and correct myself, that in a sense is zen
only this "process" matters, fixed views which is the way it is usually taken are empty and meaningless
on the topic of my editing posts, i usually do that within the next hour as i think of more things or correct punctuation and spelling, so if reading my posts it pays to let an hour pass before assuming its finished
i do this because all this material goes into my writing, it is "my benefit" so to speak
ask yourself, what is the benefit of moving in returning circles ?
he’s morbid beyond death
i guess that’s morbid
he’s morbid
beyond death
i guess that’s morbid
i'm really onto "declaiming crazies"
that is, people who say something is so, often a list
and its not so at all
arseholes, stupids and mental defectives taking my time
well some are not so hostile, but i can live with the hostile ones, however, even if you can use them effectively, the trauma is draining
dry eye usually an inflammatory condition,
1000iu vit
D and say
100µg of selenomethionine daily can help with that
you need to keep your blink rate up when looking at screens
jason&nsbp; writes
meaning is always lost in translation
it just depends how much
my&nsbp; comment
medicocre and bad translators alwys retranslate some nonsense in their own image
they’re just bodies
we shouldn’t be in any hurry to join them
ed. this is some play on the notion, they are "not there", yet if they are not there, why would one become concerned about joining them ?
four feline faces
anticipatory for what ?
minced chicken
not quite up there with fresh liver
but close
the whirlpool of aging
the body tugs apart
the whirlpool of aging
the body tugs apart
the price of fame is the pests it attracts
some of who can be dangerous
all of whom are a nuisance
i can’t really say what i think, people get too upset
there is another world, larger, more beautiful, more infinite that we constantly walk on
but rather than wonder at it, people get terrified at any glimpses and can react very negatively
in the arts there’s a lot of technically competent people around, but in ideas, they are completely short
zen, where they learn a few rhetorical techniques and think that enlightenment
things exist for a while and go
we don’t seem to "get it" do we ?
"waking up" is in the area of hypnagogic, funny things can happen, the brain is literally booting up into normal conciousness
years ago
not being responsive enough to some-one else’s distress
the memory came back
she’s a witch
a harpie
a nightmare
she’ll eat you alive
one of the problems of writing "well" is it can have too much of an effect on people, some of whom can get quite antagonistic
i’m not at all famous, yet my publishing and posting on the net has caused me a few problems over the years with encountering hostile people at the extreme edges of attitude and behavior
the crazy "ein sof" tells me
your poetry reeks of unrequited love and a catastrophic lack of luck with romance
my reply
well its more an "unrequited life" like yourself and brad, and if i have made progress rather than regression in understanding what it is about, its because i have been celibate for most of my life and this gives the space to work it out and i think this was eihei dogen’s conclusion as well
the thing i have noticed in dealing with people is to be even and look from their point of view and attempt to explore favourable outcomes for you both, don’t be angry, just roll with the situation and work things out
where this doesn’t work is when a person has mental health problems, the nature of their being mentally ill makes them unable to change productively, one sees this in plenty on the net which has a disproportionate percentage of these people
i have had a surprising number of people over the years on the net get really upset with my writing, and they follow me around making absolute pests of themselves, like "einsof" or whoever he is , is doing at the moment on brad warner’s vlog, i seem somehow to strike at the heart of their delusion with what i write completely unintentionally and they react strongly to it and they are utterly unable to address the why of them doing it
if what i write is so invalid, surely if it was wrong it should just drift away into the infinite bucket of nonsense on the net
anyway the point is that "ethics" only works if you are dealing with rational people prepared to negotiate
"win-win" situations, because you will come seriously unstuck if you hit anyone with "borderline personality disorder" or any of that ilk and i am sure eihei dogen (ed. a japanese medieval writer) dealt with it all the time being in a religious environment with competition with other sects
one can be in what is war and the same rules apply, strategy, not giving anything away, deception, occasional well directed force
, "be a napoleon"
hmmm, don’t get overextended, he missed that one and he ignored josephine’s advice to not invade spain, i think she was really half his brains
of course, easier to see when it is outside your personal and family life, closer to home can make for real disasters
yes we know, you read and talk and don’t do anything, your views are cryingly untainted by any real dealing in the subject area
by the time you get to my age
you sorta get things coming around enough times to say
well, that’s actually so
you can’t know it
you can’t fathom it
you can’t will it
what can you do ?
let it come to you and when it does
you can’t know it
you can’t fathom it
you can’t will it
what can you do ?
let it come to you
it does
dealing with
the aggressive ignorant
mathematic infinity is not enough
i wouldn’t say wealth
every day is different
ed. so we have this idea that mathematical infinity is not enough, but there may be an "infinity" that is sufficient/enough, but what is it ?
so you get the next line, maybe it is a sort of wealth but its not really, or maybe it is ?
then we have the last line trying to describe it, or how we know it
the way things used to be
men died in battle
women died in childbirth
eevryone had diseases
today’s world would be unrecognisable
the way things used to be
men died in battle
women died in childbirth
eevryone had diseases
today’s world is unrecognisable
when you look at the way the world is
balanced on a precipice
a knife edge of life and death
its a wonder any understanding ever occurs
the world opens up and closes at the same time
but in the open
we can walk around the closed
i think she has been diagnosed with "borderline personality disorder" you have to understand how out of reach mental illness places people
dealing with people who have "borderline personality disorder" is a destructive situation and best kept clear of to the extent possible
you have to keep away and let them turn on themselves
they are very emotionally manipulative, don’t act rationally and totally prepared to "shit in their own rice bowl"
personality change always equals brain damage as it attempts to rewire itself to restore function, the visible sign of the invisible
very disturbing to deal with because they are not the same person
the downvoting "small gods" can’t beat the "big god"
my writing
i’ve seen the dogen "interpretation" game played
in other zen centers including john loori
ed. not just brad warner
the pretense of "exclusivity" by morons
who read hardly anything at all
i was going to ask what sylvia plath’s absence meant
but she’s not absent
one can read her poetry
death is not absolute
i’m an
O. D.
i’m a little god
i know its hard to stomach
i’m not a big god
like an ophthalmologist
but still
its the
the pond
that matters
i can tell you all about "buddhist ethics", its just the same as any other religion, bullshit up front and all sorts of shit going on behind the scenes
the clock of childhood
spins so fast and slow
the clock of childhood
spins so fast
an excellent
documentary on the manchester painter l.s. lowry
claude debussy’s "clair de lune" was originally called, "a sentimental walk", but actually neither title suits, its really its own space with somewhat complex and ambivalent feelings
an interesting version
on harp
a simple tune, but lovely
you have to listen for a bit to get into it
a thirteen year old melissa venema
playing the trumpet in "il silenzio"
at seventeen
where i live there is an oversupply of optometrists and shortage of ophthalmologists
i think there’s a structural problem with the lack of a qualification between optometry and ophthalmology
“ you are the best possible argument for anything that isn’t you ”
you are the worst possible argument for anything that isn’t you
the morons spill words like spew, pretending to an understanding they don’t have
buddhism is a failed attempt to make a system out of solipsism
you can look at buddhism as a failed attempt to make something practical out of solipsism
fgs, (ed. brad warner proposing to write on "buddhist ethics") talk to your publishers, your inclination to "box office poison" is astounding ! you have some net presence, the first thing is to ask around what people say they would want to read
its only because you never read around that dogen’s
solipsistic views appear unique to you, but the reality is its a philosophical position that has been around forever
the problem is, is that 'solipsism" is a partial truth
here’s a koan for you
how do you express solipsism as a complete truth ?
xyz quotes me and then comments
“ i
it ! ”
this is your writing, so i asked c. if she would kill someone . . her last relationship, her ex was talking to a girl, on her stream and playing video games with the other girl, so i asked if she thought about killing her and c. unashamedly said "yes"
she would look at her instagram and was watching for when she was coming to lisbon, then she would meet her at the train station and kill her with a knife
so i said to c., you're as violent as me, and she said yes
no time
lots of space
a green-grey sea at dusk
rainy mist
the gulls
on the ground
and in the air
the child life becomes suspended in time
referenced for meaning
the child life becomes suspended in time
look at what is happening in syria, yemen and parts of africa, these "black lives matter" protests are a total loss of perspective
eihei dogen gets things wrong, he changes his views and all we ever read are translator’s opinions of what he said and they are an intellectually lazy lot, they don’t do any philological research
so western views of dogen already have him moulded in the western viewpoint
read the "tsurezuregusa" (written by the japanese monk yoshida kenkō) translated by donald keene for a much better translation quality and see the difference, those "essays" were written by a kyoto homeboy only
80 years after dogen’s death and is way more famous than any writing of dogen, but zen people don’t want to know
a lot of dogen is actually rhetorical technique designed to obscure and sound impressive, but actually its not far from "voynich"
why do we never seem to get our own paucity
when the paucity of others is always so apparent to us ?
our own paucity we never seem to get
the paucity of others
is always apparent to us
this "black lives matter" movement posits a benign backdrop to the social world, but humans are anything but benign, especially groups
sarcasm has its place, but it is defensive and gives away one as being in a losing position so should hardly ever be used
“ in percentages, in the entire population, individuals with blood group
O were
9-18% less likely to test positive for covid when compared to other groups
"exposed" individuals with blood group
O were
13-26% less likely to test positive ”
13 to
26% is a huge amount
yes, i am
what has god got against type
AB ?
i don’t know, but i’m not complaining
i have a learning difficulty
i can’t learn anything unless it is beaten into me by things going wrong
there are two sides to the george floyd story, he was a career criminal with a history of violence (and had been in jail because of it) and on meth and fentanyl, tall (
110kg) and physically powerful, also he may or may not have had an active covid infection that reduced his lung capacity, the officers made a mistake, but they were also faced with the problem of subduing
some-one on meth with a record of violence and maybe the covid made the situation fatal when it otherwise wouldn’t have been
its interesting he had played football at high school and all the research is showing the problems of the accumulation of subconcussive damage constantly occurring in the game giving rise to traumatic brain injury, he clearly was behaving in a way that put the police on their guard
to me the "protests" are more indicative of the level of serious drug taking in society than anything else, druggies "protecting" their own
nothing to do with race at all, just an epidemic drug problem to the point social cohesion is tearing apart
without the police society would quickly degenerate into a
semi-feudal world, from their point of view dealing with people on drugs is difficult and dangerous and people don’t necessarily react "rationally" in conflict situations like that
if you are going to reply to this comment, please do me the courtesy of actually reading it and answering to the points, not the "i don’t like what you say" idiocy i usually get
dealing in a calm and rational manner with disagreements is hopefully, a "zen" skill
a rose and a tulip
art by jason
so much goes to too much goes to uncontrollable goes to collapse
the gap between us
big, small
yet our dna can coil
the extent to which a religion depends on its control of publishing is being illustrated by the fragmenting effect on "orthodoxy" and "cohesion" the net with its "everybody is published" paradigm is having
i would go so far to say that religion is an artifact or enabled by publishing
“ anyone’s ability to mean anything is made possible by social practices that hold people to such rational rules of entailment and incompatibility ”
so much on the net is a playground for schizophrenics stepping away from this, the formulation of internally inconsistent and
non-communicable systems with their own vocabulary
the philosopher robert brandom on what makes for
maternity, from
whales to humans to cats
males step away
humans are "energy gatherers" at the cost of minimal "energy expenditure"
you may have noticed this, particularly when it goes awry, which it always seems to do with me
jason writes
william burroughs was really into
ed. pages
59 and
60 of "william s. burroughs " by phil baker
he ended his book "junky" talking about telepathy and how he thinks its real
and then i remember linda king writing about how her and bukowski had a telepathic connection where bukowski could call at just the right time when something bad happened
“ countless times he’d call and ask, "what’s wrong?" . . . just as something was wrong. he’d ask again, "what happened at three o’clock . . . something happened at three o’clock ”
“ lying by bukowski on the bed i’d feel a heat or rays of some kind coming from the center of him. it would move into me and warm me in a way i’d never been warmed. sometimes it was so strong i’d put my hand over that area and test it to make sure it was real. the same vibes would enter my hand ”
what do you think about all this ? another
mind reading thing
my reply
writing and art is just constructive schizophrenia
the trick is to make it "constructive" and not "destructive"
false beliefs need testing and correcting
linda king would have been an almost continuous succession of things going wrong, charles bukowski was an intelligent man (except in the women he got involved with usually) he would be able to make close to the target inferences
mind reading stage shows use a repertoire of techniques, its just very real world trickery
telepathy and the supernatural are not consistent with the way the world works
to understand reality
you are permitted one thing that fits
with me i think that’s writing
everything else
"social learning" is a huge gain strategy that we are evolutionarily designed around
basically it says just copy, don’t invent and you can see it everywhere today
it works within limits, but limits break down
the hubric young
there’s not so much excuse for the hubric old, but they are there too
i wonder if "activism" does anything at all except "signal virtue"
for any cause there’s any amount of practical work that can be done, but of course like anything "real" it takes time, persistence, care and skill
activism is just noise that does nothing, and actually trades in a negative or parasitic manner on the results of "real work", the "tragedy of the commons" so to speak
i feel "buddhism" goes to the heart of the matter and just signals virtue without even the necessity of activism
a religion for our time, virtue signalling without any work at all !
ed. this was a comment i made on a vlog of brad warner’s and when i looked at the other comments, it struck me that they were virtue signalling without even buddhism, the ultimate refinement in mentally lazy slackness !
self-congratulatory narcissism
after some thought (ed. later comment) what i notice is that they both have highly idiosyncratic versions of buddhism and really do not agree with each other and certainly the versions clash just like they both clash with mainstream forms of buddhism
i agree with robert brandom the philosopher that "meaning" actually depends on social rules of entailment, compatibility and at least some potential for mutual understanding
to step outside this also steps into the realm of ongoing cognitive distortion (aka mental illness)
all beauty is strange
it is in its nature
all beauty is strange
it is its nature
reading and viewing changes you
for better or worse or indifference
university english literature education and i suspect, the whole liberal arts scene has become absurdist drama with the insult of having to pay to be made an idiot
like some borges universe, having been made an idiot, your only options for employment are in this what is now
a fictional construct
the author of the article is i am sure, iranian and having some experience of that blend of intelligence and madness
, i sent an email
you are iranian, intelligence in the insanity ?
i liked the article, but surely you have noticed, you are caught in a borgeian universe, intelligence is stamped to moronacy, a literal "library of babel"
velázquez’s "venus looking at herself"
what i write could be regarded as "fragments" given how disparate the subject matter, but they are diamond glimpses of deep structure
the real "gaumata" buddha was in fact "bardiya"
, the second son of cyrus the great who became a populist persian emporer for a very short while and was murdered by darius the first in a consipracy
interestingly, bardiya’s father was a real life "ozymandias" who left the following inscription on his tomb
you who view
this tomb of mine, cyrus the builder of the persian empire, do not begrudge me this little earth here
my comment
iran, weep for your violation by narrow minded rulers
politics is too rough a game for artists to handle safely
as he held her hand
her face morphed
into male, then back to female
from a wolf to a star
he admired the teeth
to read another poet
long dead
is to
to life
my haters
in the end they drop away
except ewk
but even he
one day
one mile in one direction
another mile in another direction
once walked
they turn out to be
one hundred
somethings you just want to go on forever
they don’t
perhaps the greatest loss of the russian revolution was the annihilation of an "intelligensia rich" social strata which i think was something vladimir nabokov attempted to recreate is his marvellous novel "ada"
modern american and western wealth is incredibly crass without an artistic bone in its body as reflected by the current art market and tastes
as for public funding . . .
the brain can be so full and busy
it will burn
but a little remains
to see the ashes
K reduces mortality for the coronavirus
you can have the talent for something, but not the temperament
the right temperament is what takes you down the long long road of improvement (and usually impoverishment)
no wonder there is so little quality around
an interesting example of lacking talent, but having the temperament and even ability is
agnes martin
of course having talent
, but lacking temperament we almost never see because it isn’t finished enough to make it into the public eye
journalism is another extreme, lacking talent, temperament and ability but having the public eye
the front of honesty
the undercurrent of dishonesty
the press and media
bastions of morons
so shallow
a scratch
in two
circles have a wonderful capacity to return to themselves
again and again
making spirals
i’m not sure that is progress
20% of coronavirus cases are
super spreaders with an infected person passing the virus onto many more people — result in
80% of transmissions ”
romeo and juliet
sir henry neville had a sure hand
love and death
ed. sir henry neville is the real author of "the plays"
the very white crowd
protesting "black lives matter"
i notice
they enjoy their beef
these dreamers
ed. the paddock next to me and the farm where i live has blacker than black steers
my tenant neighbours
a kalediscope of changing people
on a spectrum actually
lit by red
blood red
their’s and mine
one can paint like monet
or van gogh
or marc chagall
i find it easier to write
does that make me lazy ?
“ too much autism under one roof ”
the trauma spins it apart
you can’t trust the book of genesis on anything, well it was right about
the bricks being mortared with bitumen
the tower of babel is the babylonian ziggurat, likely built using prisoners of war speaking different languages
genesis is in fact half assyrian fable and i wonder if in fact the exile was formative of what we know today as judaism, an exclusive religion to stop intermarriage with local populations
the way the past falls behind us
an unseen stamp we are not aware of
i think where simone weil went wrong is she was trying to find a resolution between the social and mystical and there is none, at least in terms of any reconciliation of viewpoint and semantics
howover it does resolve in terms of the mysticist needing not to get too out of step with society, in appearance at least
i’ve done this so many times in my life, watch the boat leave port without me
you can’t call it back, its gone forever
women = maternity
maternity needs money
why don’t you get that ?
studying a bit of history helps cure any undue involvement in whatever current public trauma
try the "boxer rebellion" for a bit of unadulterated craziness
peggy guggenheim who slept with a thousand men while in paris made the following comment on her
break-up with samnuel beckett
i made scenes while she (ed. suzanne déchevaux-dumesnil) made curtains
you jump too high without building a real life base, sort of a craziness, really
18 versus
23 is a very significant age difference in terms of a relationship
more energy, more open, less committed to everything
less formed
the mystery of the universe
voynich or not ?
you don’t have to go far
to find it
"waiting for gogot" is perhaps understandable in portraying the communal failure to "gain grace"
you really get a feeling of a "lack of synchronicity" intrinsic in the exchanges and events of the play
or resonant synchronicities moving off target
an ambiguous communality edging into solpsism, but ultimately insufficient
a key piece of understanding
tumbles you into
a lot more understanding
a knowledge of history gives
a relaxed perspective
about current events
stability follows turmoil
and turmoil follows stability
you don’t need to know much more
god is in fragments
mid winter
long shadows stand out
its difficult to convey
“ what is difficult to convey ? ”
what its difficult to convey
aphorisms and apothegms
are always
on the edge of voynich
so much so
its a matter of great skill to steer into one and not the other
the intellectually lazy
unable to work anything out themselves
pick up the cudgels
to beat their truth into others
the fiction of dogen
of zen
of truth in
a system
religion is a false problem
mysticism is a false problem
the mystical itself is not a false problem
a supposed aphorism of heralcitus
nature loves to hide
my reworking
nature is many layers subsuming each other
madmen without sense
the people
who write
the news
madmen without sense
the people who write
the news
words can look pretty empty at times
frighteningly so
i guess artists run into this issue as well
from many years of observation what i have discovered is that what you do always has a cost, its not what you actually do since that just about always brings some benefit, but its what you didn’t do that offered more benefit or was necessary because you were doing something else
snakes can’t be everywhere
neither can money
and actually
neither can people
the unending end
beyond the end
outside the beginning
“ the edge of time ”
time has no edge
time is a name
for what ?
i don’t think about it anymore
why do we think everything has an end ?
the very idea is pulled apart by our approach
it has taken me most of my life to understand that you have to "explore" reality through interactions with it to find out how it works; ideas, theories and projections don’t cut the ice
you can’t and shouldn’t assume any woman is being
100% straight with you
that’s just the way it is
reality deceives before you have even started
different perspectives come from different experiences
you can’t change that but imagination does help
too bad its in such short supply and so many creeds and ideologies teach the death of imagination
ed. i think that’s "imagination" in the sense of "the full gamut", intellectual, emotional and rational, you have to look from layers of perspective, from close-up to the very abstract
different perspectives come from different experiences
you can’t change that but imagination does help
what she wants to be careful of is he is sounding unreasonable enough to be a physical danger
his blindness to any point of view other than his own that makes him a nuisance also makes him a danger
if he really cared for her and wasn’t just following some hubric projection of his own then he would stop hassling her
she should straight out tell him she doesn’t want any contact with him and she should also complain to his parents
she’s playing the game in a dangerous way, her liking of caravaggio has deep roots
she has to have told him in no uncertain terms he is not to contact her again
more experience of life would have taught them that if it didn’t work once, then it won’t work again and they should both be glad they are not together raising a children in a malfunctional marriage
they both dodged a bullet, why he insists on wanting to put his head in front of the muzzle again is beyond stupid into the realm of mental illness
building castles in the air tautologically don’t work out because they are so much our own projections they necessarily must run askew
caravaggio’s paintings can be very acerbic comments on life from one who has plunged its extremes
women always keep
a "back-up" male
meets 3D
its good, but lacks semantics, like just about all of
recent art
voynich enshrined, but bullshit can’t hide itself
thomas gainsborough’s
portrait of his two daughters
double trouble i’d say
the better for not being finshed
his honour
sceptical of writers
ignores the literary tomes
called law
a wet day
the clouds clearing
a daylight moon
sabine devieilhe
saprano in "alcandro, lo confesso" by mozart
claire greenwood ("gesshin") has a marvellous streak of
unconcious humor
today’s protesters
upmarket apparel stores
i find a slightly more than level teaspoon of taurine dissolved in water is a great help for migraine
immediately after the war in germany, the colour (original) makes
this video very vivid and real
covid-19 is not an "escapee" from a lab, but a result of genes
shuffled between bat and pangolin coronaviruses and possibly another animal
monoclonal antibody has been developed
What is a question ?
something that elicits an answer
what is an answer ?
something that elicits a question
a veritable
now that’s not a word i have used recently
all my learning, but one day my brain will fade
i always have trouble learning unless i suffer a bit
an interesting
interview by artist sam gillian
he has wonderful and highly sophisticated conversational manner, something that may have its roots in the slave culture of the south where you had to diffuse or avoid tense situtations with those who had a lot of power over you
maggi hambling
these people think like me, so useful after dealing with the outright stupids on net message boards, the world is not just this level of stupidity and schizophrenia the net morons show
corneal stability is a statistical average
that does not mean you are that average
there’s a lot of research showing "means" but almost none on probability distributions
the most brutal stupid people you know
are in control
when dealing with message boards and comments sections, remember it is a publishing medium and most people have enough of a grasp of elementary sophistical techniques to be effective nuisances
to the extent you can, let what you write speak for itself and don’t engage the myriad of useless toxic arseholes the net abounds in
all my life
never crediting myself with any talent
applauding the halfwits
when i out-trump them all
though its an informative talk, the curator seems to miss the point of velázquez’s
venus , that the mirror image is a subtle comment on the projective and narcissistic nature of "love"
i think the sort of contextless "don’t be a jerk" that brad warner’s translation of a phrase of eihei dogen is, is a mistranslation to english because its never used abstractly in english that way but is only ever a reply or advice in the context of some specific action
so using that phrase that way doesn’t make sense to me
what would make sense is "don’t be hasty, look at both sides and figure the consequences"
there is something unhealthily depressive about "don’t be a jerk", its a total abnegation of
self-interest, whereas what is really required is being "objective" about self interest, for instance, a lot of things we may not like are in fact, from an objective view of our
"self-interest", in fact running things our way despite the discomfort or discordance
hard to understand
even armour can be pierced
by self-reflection
i woke early in the morning with this on my mind and wrote it down, otherwise when i woke again it would be completely forgotten
some of my best writing comes from this boundary between sleep and wakefulness, that strange and unfamiliar world
its schizophrenic to craft the use of a language away from its common expression
its schizophrenia to craft the use of a language away from its common expression
what’s schizophrenic about philosophy is the way they have to craft their own language to say what they want to say
there is nothing that can’t be expressed in the poetry or prose of "commmonly recieved" language use or skills
i pick up things very quickly and take my time to get it wrong later
there’s more to this justifiably famous morecambe and wise
skit with andré previn than meets the eye
supercompetence versus bumbling hubric incompetence, life sees hardly anything of the former and so much of the latter
martin heidegger complained to his nephew about the loss of the war invalidating the train fare concession he, as a nazi party member got and he certainly would have been aware of the extermination camps (he never denied knowing about them)
as a philosopher i could never be bothered to read him, too obscure and dense and what’s the point, just the usual maladroit crap
“ you are always complaining about being rejected ”
well it suits, i am not comfortable with acceptance
lights out
and then everything is over
a sleep to dream
and then awake
lights out
and then everything is over
a sleep to dream
and then not awake
lights out
and everything is over
a sleep to dream
and not awake
women are not just machines
the world is like a fractal zoom
in every direction
its distressing
to miss
what necessarily
must escape us
the world is like a fractal zoom
in every direction
its distressing
to miss
what must necessarily
escape us
the world is like a fractal zoom
in every direction
if you are artistically talented, the world will have disowned you
before you start
in effect its a lonely world for the talented, the morons just want to drag you down
hannibal is accounted a military genius, but he wasn’t, only a fool takes on an unbeatable enemy on their own terms which was all his invasion of italy could ever be
and missed the key feature of the problem, rome’s supremacy at sea
surely seafaring cultures like the phoenicians and carthaginians were could have risen to the challenge with the appropriate resources and redeveloped their galleys ?
i suppose the financial and organisational might of the roman empire made the prognosis certain, better to have sued for peace despite the necessary concessions
where old men
chuck away the lives
of young men
without too much thought
where older men
chuck away the lives
of younger men
without too much thought
somethings we look back on wondering if we should have done this or that
but actually
we got it
people are uneven
they get some things right
and some things wrong
we can see that with others
why can't we see it with ourselves ?
the problem with martin heidegger as a philosopher is he was a believing nazi who never changed his views and was in fact a subtle war criminal who should have been executed at the nuremberg trials, but as i say the scale and type of offence is too subtle for the world to grasp
as far as i can work out, eihei dogen would have been like "a kennedy", well positioned by birth in a powerful governing clan and probably had to be very careful of anything he said politically, indeed, he will have been at some pains to distance himself from the political world though his trip to china appears likely to have been funded by a shogun/ local ruler
in china zen was a religion of the administrative class and actually has its early life in a period of particularly brutal
civil war
there is some likelihood of the cold mountain poet,
han-shan being a rebel leader and having to hide in the "cold mountains" or facing execution if caught
i think its crazy to impose any sort of "do gooding" on zen, it much more about an explanation of how the world works and in fact that understanding tells you the world is irremediable, it simply occurs according to its nature and periods of violent disruption and relative stability will always both occur
endless the little steps
some missteps don’t take us too far away
others . . .
i think i do have a streak of insanity
i go my own way
pieter bruegel’s paintings are a
visual compendium of dutch and flemish proverbs
throughout history there has always been a strong interest in "wisdom literature" that interestingly is almost completely absent today, i think the effect of modern media and perhaps an ease of living that is certainly new
its not generally appreciated how shocks to the body can affect the head, putting the brain and retina at risk
out there
lies a lyric poem
so beautiful
the angels and devils weep
and god fades into
all i have to do
is find it